X-PERIENCE Discover the new Jumping saddle. Click here

Emilio Bicocchi is considered an authority in Italy with regards to Show Jumping, renowned both on the national and international level.


Besides competing at a high level, as an athlete enlisted in the Armed Forces, he passionately raises young horses for the Air Force.


He has achieved great national and international results with the Italian national team, and he has won various medals at the Italian Absolute Championships.


“The right saddle means comfort and connection between horse and rider, in the correct position. For my competitions I chose the X-Michel Robert saddle, the ideal product if you want to practice Jump at a high level. Its design and technical features are one of a kind.

The more anatomical structure of the seat offers more comfort both when working flat and during flights. The twist is tight, very close to the horse, allowing the rider to follow the horse’s movements and keep the trajectory. Finally, the wearability is excellent, even in those horses with big withers. It allows freedom of movement even to the animals with wide shoulders.”

Saddle chosen by the Ambassador

Michel Robert CPS
The Michel Robert saddle is well known for its effectiveness to put the rider in the optimum position and balance, without constraint. The new Michel Robert CPS is built on an innovative tree featuring the CPS technology, that takes into…