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Prestige Youth cup: French leg

Prestige Youth Cup recently ended in France

The Prestige Youth Cup 2023 on French soil recently came to an end.

This edition held last weekend at the Domaine Equestre du Poet in Poet provided the opportunity for many young riders to showcase their skills and measure themselves against their peers.

The event, which took place in collaboration with Legend Equine or “Atelier du Cheval“, included, as per the PYC format, not only a saddle for the winner (a Paris!) but also the opportunity for the first 6 placed/arrived riders to participate in a stage with a Prestige ambassador.

For these six young winners at Poet there will therefore be a whole day, on 17 October, to spend training with the advice of a riding legend, Michel Robert at his stable in Moras, not far from Lyon.


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