Nothing says “connection” quite like the Renaissance T K. “T” stands for “tact”, the French word for “Feeling”. This saddle is an absolutely unmatched in the equestrian sport. A monofl ap saddle that represents the French riding philosophy. The tree and seat rubber are those of the Renaissance jump saddle F2, but with a dressage style fl ap. This saddle provides a feeling of lightness and freedom of movement in the seat, without being “forced” into a position in the saddle. The knee blocks are shorter and their projection allows the rider to have a more angled leg position, when compared to traditional dressage saddles. A major benefit for the horse is the non integrated “Sublime” panels, available only in the latex version. These panels have a wider surface, when compared to other panels, which offers an excellent fit and even weight distribution across the horse’s back. This saddle is not only for dressage or event riders who are looking for a flatter seat and more freedom of movement in a saddle, but it can also be used by riders of all disciplines for daily flat work.