Sales Representative
Brand Ambassador, Product expert, Saddle fitter. Going above and beyond to find the best saddle for both the horse and the rider.
3 Gold Stars: Retailer Prestige and Renaissance
Top Partner offering the whole selection of Prestige saddles, CLASSIC and PREMIUM, and Renaissance saddles. Plus accessories of the two Brands.
3 Stars: Retailer Prestige
Premium retailer with in-house saddles fitting service. Offering the full range of Prestige saddles, CLASSIC and PREMIUM lines. Great for accessories too
2 Stars: Retailer Prestige
Authorized retailer with in-house saddle fitting service. Offering a selection of the Prestige saddles, CLASSIC line, and a range of Prestige accessories.
1 Star: Retailer Prestige
Authorized retailer with a selection of Prestige accessories.