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Our governance

The governance model adopted by Prestige Italia seeks to ensure transparent and responsible corporate activities, contributing to medium- and long-term value creation.

Board of directors

The Board of Directors defines the strategic guidelines and verifies their implementation.

Sandra Stocchetti
President and founder of Prestige Italia in 1974. Her passion and foresight are still guiding still lead the company with the entrepreneurial dynamism that characterises her and which has guided the company towards technological innovation and responding to an ever-changing market.
Andrea Rasia
Managing Director of Prestige Italia, 2nd generation of the Stocchetti Rasia family, has always been involved in the company with particular attention to the industrialisation and mechanisation of production processes.
Andrea Gottardo
A graduate in Economics and Commerce, financial consultant and managing director of Prestige Italia SPA since November 2017.
Gianni dal Pozzo
Managing Director of Considi, President of the Innovative and Technological Services section of Confindustria Vicenza, Vice President of the National Committee for the Regional Coordination of Innovative and Technological Services of Confindustria and independent consultant of Cereal Docks SPA and Energreen SPA.
Francesco Ioverno
Chartered accountant, auditor, professional specialising in assets, planning and extraordinary operations, author for Giuffrè Editore and founding partner of Sintesi Studio Associato.

Board of statutory auditors

The monitors compliance with laws and the company's articles of association by exercising financial control over the company.

Gianni Milanello
Chartered accountant and statutory auditor, since the early nineties, he has held numerous temporary management roles, such as managing director in a variety of companies. He has held the role of bankruptcy administrator, liquidator of companies and has been an auditor in limited companies. An expert in the implementation of ERP business information systems, he has experience in lean manufacturing and lean management.
Bruno Fin
Chartered accountant and statutory auditor, cofip professional associate, for over 30 years he has assisted in the development of leading companies operating in the Alto Vicentino region. Primarily concerned with finance, statutory auditing, including in local authorities, and extraordinary operations. For more than 20 years, he has held the role of auditor in one of the North-East’s main co-operative credit banks.
Stefano Dal Lago
Chartered accountant and statutory auditor, mainly operating in the field of corporate auditing, serving as a statutory auditor, a member of supervisory bodies and a member of boards of statutory auditors. He is a partner in an auditing company that operates in the Veneto area for companies and corporate groups, including multinational companies. He also handles extraordinary operations, usually in the role of expert, including insolvency proceedings.