Speed and technique. The best way over obstacles.
Show-jumping courses demand high concentration and the horse and rider working as a true pair: this discipline demands speed and courage as they strive to complete the course without faults. The horse needs a great deal of skill, balance, timing, and precise influence from the rider to carry out a proper jump. The saddle also plays a key role. All of our jumping saddles are designed to offer maximum performance whilst allowing the horse’s shoulder to move freely.

BIB martingale attachment 3E060
Martingale 3D037
RP Jumping girth 3A151
Elastic martingale attachment 3E059
Split-end girth 3A004
Breastplate with elastic 3D025
Stud guard girth 3A008
5 points breastplate 3D027
Special girth 3A010
Non-stretch stirrup leathers 3A017
Girth with synthetic sheepskin 3A004FR
M. Robert leather bit 3E150
Stud guard girth with synthetic 3A008FR
Balance handle 3P008
Special girth with synthetic sheepskin 3A009FR
Special girth 3A009
Trapezium pad 3F021
Jump saddle pad 3B051
Leather halter 3E053