Prestige Italia firmly believes that sustainable development is the only solution to the global challenges we are facing, particularly climate change and economic inequality, which threaten the future of the entire world population. Our passion for equestrianism is not only about creating high-quality products but also extends to the responsibility of protecting our planet and improving the lives of future generations. Every saddle and accessory we produce reflects our dedication to sustainable equestrianism because we believe that riding with passion also means taking care of the world around us.
Prestige Italia is constantly searching for innovations that can offer sustainable alternatives without compromising the essential performance required for equestrian products. Although many of these alternatives are still in development, we strongly believe in the potential of new technologies and materials to revolutionize our industry. Furthermore, we are aware that a significant portion of equestrian accessory production comes from regions like India, where the adoption of sustainable practices can be limited. Nevertheless, equestrianism itself represents an environmentally and animal welfare-conscious choice, values that guide us in selecting suppliers and production processes aligned with our sustainability goals. Innovating means going beyond current limits and working towards a future where the performance of sustainable materials fully meets the needs of our industry. In this way, we can continue to create excellent products while contributing to a more sustainable world in harmony with nature.
A careful approach to sustainable development is an integral part of Prestige Italia’s DNA, a company that has always focused on producing high-quality products designed to last for decades. This commitment helps reduce resource waste and the disposal of obsolete products by promoting a sustainability philosophy through the longevity of our items. Our mission is dedicated to the well-being of horses and people, aware that athletic performance is closely linked to care and quality. Beyond innovation, we pay great attention to people, considering them the foundation of the company’s development and future. Following a logic of Industry and Society 5.0, we are committed to creating a work and sports environment that values the well-being, safety, and satisfaction of everyone who interacts with us.
Today, we are all called upon to do our part to combat climate change and promote sustainable development. At Prestige Italia, we are also concretely committed to this path, following the guidelines of the 2030 Agenda and contributing to the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Our commitment translates into concrete and measurable actions aimed at reducing environmental impact and promoting sustainable practices in every aspect of our production. From the selection of materials to managing production processes, we are constantly working to make a difference and build a better future for everyone.
Certifying the carbon footprint of some of our saddles is just the beginning of a broader commitment. We actively work to reduce and offset greenhouse gas emissions through concrete and measurable actions. Among these, we are committed to reducing waste and plastic use in packaging, optimizing our production processes, and selecting suppliers who share our sustainability values.Furthermore, we support and value our human resources, aware that the well-being of our employees is fundamental to the success of our mission. We are determined to make our commitment to sustainable development a tangible reality and actively contribute to a better future for everyone.
Our commitment is to act responsibly in every choice we make, aware of the impact these decisions have on the planet’s future.
We firmly believe in the value of people, our collaborators, and their extraordinary capacity for innovation. We aspire to be an active promoter of inclusion and the improvement of working conditions for everyone.
The well-being of the planet is closely linked to the well-being of every living being: plants, people, and animals. We believe that well-being is the foundation of every decision we make, a word on which we have built our work and our mission.
We want to be promoters of change and raise awareness on the topic of sustainability.